The First Wedding – Long Post!

So the first of the two weddings in which I’m participating is now over. What a FUN FUN day it was! Denis and I left around 12 p.m. to head to Mare-Bear’s. Upon getting in the car we realized we had no gas. The line at Costco was 12 cars deep, so we left and went to another place and filled up with gas. We didn’t actually get on the road until 12:25 p.m. Arrived at MB’s at 1:30 p.m. after getting mildly lost in the backroads of Woodside, Queens.

The apartment was all aflutter with people getting ready, including Mary getting her makeup put on by a professional she had hired. Once Denis brought in the wedding gift for safekeeping I changed into my dress and gave all my stuff to Denis to keep in the van. He then left to go to the church.

When we were all finished getting ready the bride, the mother of the bride and the bridesmaids (along with the ringbearer) hopped in a limo bound for the church in Belle Harbor. It was a nice ride and next thing we knew we were at the church! Once we got MB’s train hooked onto the back of her dress we proceeded down the aisle. The church was packed with people, which was a treat to see since MB figured no one would come for the church part at all.

An hour later, MB and MS were married, becoming M&MS. YAY!

After bridal party pictures at the church, the groomsmen, bridesmaids and newlyweds hopped in the limo and the libations began as the driver headed to Long Island for the cocktail hour and reception.

And WHAT a reception – first of all, the crowd seemed to double once we got to the reception. I couldn’t believe how many people attended the reception – easily twice the number I had at my reception. I sat at a table with my parents and some other friends of M&MS, including MB’s former roommate who is a lot of fun. The next table over consisted entirely of my old co-workers from The Old Company. It was a treat to see them since I wasn’t able to attend the Christmas Party earlier in the week.

The reception was a blast – good music, lots of dancing, and you could tell everyone was having a great time. At 11:30 p.m. Denis and I decided it was time to head home, since we presumed we’d have a two hour drive back to Jersey. I had Denis bring in my casual clothes and I changed out of the dress. Unfortunately, I realized that my wallet was nowhere to be found in my stuff. I freaked out, wondering if it had dropped in Woodside, Queens on the sidewalk or something. I left MB a voicemail on her cellphone asking for her to check her apartment the following day to see if it was there. Then, too exhausted to care too much, we headed for the long drive home. However, we got lucky – there was NO traffic on the road – and we got home at exactly 12:30 a.m. After paying the babysitter we fell into bed and I think I was asleep inside five minutes.

The best thing about the reception, in my opinion? The flower girl. Her name was Niamh (pronounced NEEV) and she was so precious you cannot believe. At 15 months she had me from hello. I plied her with fresh pineapple to get on her good side and it worked – she let me hold her a lot, which apparently she doesn’t let ANYone do, according to her mom. She was so cute that I’ve added Niamh to the short list of names should we be blessed with another little girl. Violet is still on the list – maybe Niamh Violet, though?

This morning I got up and we had a couple inches of snow on the ground. Church went well this morning – the band played one of the tightest sets in a long time. After church I called over to MB and she said they were about to get to the apartment and she’d call me back. About fifteen minutes later she called and said it wasn’t there, but while we were still on the phone MS found the wallet under the loveseat.

A few minutes later CootieGirl and I were on the road headed to Woodside. Once there I caught up on what we missed the night before, CootieGirl charmed MB and her family, and then we headed back to Queens. Denis ran out to do real estate stuff for a while and I played with the kids, then when Denis got home we played fort with the kids for a while in their room. CootieGirl loves throwing the blanket over all of us and CootieBoy was LOVING IT – throwing himself on Denis and then laughing when CootieGirl would throw herself on HIM – I smartly stayed to the side so I wouldn’t get hurt in the constant scuffle.

Now we’ll feed the kids, put them to bed and then Denis and I will put up as many of the Christmas decorations as we can tonight. Our house is getting cleaned from top to bottom on Tuesday so I want to get all the decorations up so that I don’t dirty the house again after it’s made all sparkly clean.

And that’s that. Nice long post!

06 comments on “The First Wedding – Long Post!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee, you were a vision of loveliness in your Christmas red satin gown! You were glowing as much as the bride! It was such a delight to witness M’s union to M. and to take part in the wonderful reception. Everything was so well done, especially the FOOD, decorations beeaauutiful, every part of it. It got me just a little nervous thinking of all we still have to do for J’s big day. Less than a month to go!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    I know you keep thinking we’re Irish but Niamh is never getting on our list of names. Sorry.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee said she got more info from MB on the phone; I’m asking what that was. Great pics!

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