Mr. Russell just informed me that he’ll be leaving early today. “So if Mr. Sutherland doesn’t need you and you want to take off, feel free.”
Now, Mr. Sutherland likes to keep banker’s hours, and since he was at PGA all day until 2 p.m. I know he has no interest in working. He is on a call now and has another one at 4 p.m. – I know he won’t be giving me any work. So, I will be leaving at 4 p.m. today.
Yee haw!!!
Update at 3:54 p.m.: Mr. Sutherland opted to do the 4 p.m. call from his car. And after handing Mr. Russell his edits to a document from a while ago he said, “Thanks – have a good night!” So I guess this means I can go…