30 Minutes, Tops.

Today I made the great mistake of agreeing to work out with my co-workers.  For the past year we’ve had a personal trainer come in 2-3x/week to lead us through Crossfit-like workouts.  I did it a couple times, and it was awful from a physical standpoint but fun from a my-coworkers-make-me-laugh perspective.  But once I got a knee injury from one exercise, followed quickly by a vicious bout of bursitis in my shoulder and elbow that lasted for at least 2 months, I signed out.  No more working out at work for me.

But many months have gone by, and one of my co-workers convinced me to at least get on the treadmill in the warehouse where the workout sessions take place.

Let me explain something really quick.  Our warehouse is huge – large enough to have a gym area, which is awesome.  But it also has no air conditioning at all.  The only thing it has is a large attic fan near the roofline, and a gigantic drum fan that doesn’t cool anything so much as move hot air from one section of the warehouse to another.

And let’s not forget.  IT’S JULY.  IN NORTH CAROLINA.  Where the projected high temp for today is 94*.

I got on the treadmill with a reasonable but sweaty goal: walk for an hour, at 3.5 MPH, with a 3.0 incline.

After just a couple minutes I revised it to 45 minutes.  I’d do 45 minutes.  No problem.

A couple minutes later: nope, not 3.5 MPH, let’s go down to 3.0 MPH.

A couple minutes later: well, that incline is terrible – let’s go down to 2.0.  *few steps in* No, let’s do 1.5.  *a few more steps* Nope. Zero incline it is.

A couple minutes later: let’s drop the speed to 2.5 MPH.

By now I was dying because the warehouse was so stinking hot, with no air movement despite the drum fan.  And I was less than 10 minutes in.

At this point I realized that walking on the treadmill in our un-air conditioned warehouse in July in North Carolina is just DUMB.

I stuck it out until I was 28 minutes in, at which point I shut off the machine and saluted my co-workers as I skedaddled out of there.

And thus ends my plan to workout at work.