30 Day Update

Ugh. Don’t ask. No, I haven’t lost any more weight. In fact, I’ve gained back a couple pounds since the whole “no eating out” and “no chocolate” came to an end a few weeks ago. NOT GOOD.

Also, the whole 75 fl oz of water thing? SO NOT HAPPENING. I’ve been doing more like 50 fl oz, and barely that. Now, 50 fl oz is still an improvement over what I was doing before the 30-day commitment, so I’m not too worried about that one.

Today is Fat Tuesday – a day of overindulging and going crazy before Lent begins tomorrow, Ash Wednesday. And so today I’m not worried about chocolate, eating out, drinking water or eating after 9:30 p.m. Because tomorrow all those will be ON again, with some adjustments.

Tomorrow no more eating out or ordering in. The lone exception will be the date that Denis and I have set up on February 22nd for Valentine’s Day (yes, we know we’re delayed on the date – it was the only date the show was available that we wanted to see). Tomorrow no chocolate begins. The notable exception – well, there is none. Denis gave me my Valentine’s Day gift last night so that I could indulge tonight and be chocolate free during Lent. Tomorrow drinking water continues, but this time will be set at 64 fl oz of water instead of 75. Hopefully I’ll be able to reach that target each day. Especially since tomorrow also begins the 20-30 minutes of exercise at least 3x a week portion of my commitment. I originally planned on doing it EVERY day, but I just know that I won’t be able to do that. So 3x a week it is – still 3x more than I’m doing now. Lastly, I’m continuing the “no eating after 9:30 p.m.” rule with a slight change in time – to 9:45 p.m. I find that most nights I’m running around until 9:15 p.m. and that only gives me 15 minutes to decide what snack I’m going to have. If I opt to have popcorn, it means that at 9:28 p.m. I’m stuffing as much popcorn in my face as possible in that two minute time left. So by making it 9:45 p.m. I’m allowing myself to relax and ENJOY my well-earned nighttime snack.

And there you have it. Lent is 40 days long, which means I’ll be doing all of those until the middle of March. Hopefully I’ll also see some significant weight loss during those 40 days. Especially since I’ve gained a couple back in recent weeks.

05 comments on “30 Day Update

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    You Go Girl!

    I haven’t lost any additional weight and I am about starving myself. Its been 3 weeks of no sweets with the few execeptions of a “tiny” piece of Blueberry Pie this weekend for breakfast and some chocolate covered Peanutbutter balls… in 3 weeks, thats not bad. As soon as our company left on Sunday I was back to the no sweets rule! Full Force. Not to mention I did 30 minutes on the treadmill yesterday, which is up from the 15 mins I was doing. I also did 2, 2min. runs on the treadmill during the workout. We can do this Jaynee! As for water… that is all I ever drink and I don’t think I drink 50oz a day. More like..doh, I just did the math and I do drink 50oz a day. 2- 160z glasses at work and 2-9oz bottles at home each night… that is 50oz, GO TEAM ME!

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Additional thought….

    why not cut out the evening snack altogether? This way you would not be putting the additional calories into your system (no matter how small they are they are still additional) and you wouldn’t be going to bed with anything on your tummy which in turn will help you sleep better and look younger. If you know you are going to be on the go, do what I have started doing. Pack an Clemintine or a Pear, they are yummy and very easy to eat around 8PM. Then you have had a fruit serving and it will be digested or almost digested before you go to bed. I also eat one yogurt a day (Activa Low Fat) and mix it with GOLean Crunch.. (High Fiber/Protein) cereal 1/2 cup. Snack snack snack.. all things you can take with you and eat. Celery is also dandy and you burn more caleries eating it than are in the darn thing.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Ace – all commendable recommendations. However, I’m not one for eating clementines or pears unless they come in a can. I’m also not a fan of yogurt AT ALL. But thanks for trying. πŸ˜‰

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    … next you are going to tell me you don’t like Cheese Cake. πŸ˜‰

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