We’re Officially CarMax Fans

My husband’s 2004 van was dying. Dented, scuffed, worn, and needing repairs every time it when in for an oil change, it was time to let it go. We were debating how to sell it (we had already gotten our replacement vehicle) – do we list on Craigslist? eBay? AutoTrader? Our neighborhood’s Facebook page? CarMax?

In the end, we opted to go to CarMax just to see what we’d get for it. The morning we were to drive over there, we discovered the van’s battery was deader than dirt. We attempted to spark it up, to no avail. Denis ran out to the local shop and picked up a brand spankin’ new battery and we quickly swapped them out. “$150 battery for a $500 car,” we said, lamenting that we’d be lucky to clear $300 when all was said and done.

Battery replaced, I followed him in my car, van title in hand, with lowered expectations but optimistic hopes.

We stepped into the CarMax building. “Can I help you?”

“We’d like an appraisal to sell you our car,” my husband said. “I understand you have some program?”

“WBYCEIYDBO!” I cheered enthusiastically.

The older salesman confirmed and began walking us through the process. We answered some basic questions about the vehicle, and gave him the key so the “guys in the back” could take a look and do a test drive. While that was taking place, we chatted pleasantly with our sales guy, who was sweet as could be and really enjoyable to spend the time with. After about 20 minutes, he perked up and said, “Looks like they are done! Let’s see the results!”

He opened up his computer screen so that we could see as he scrolled through. Engine: fine. Interior: fine. Exterior: cosmetic repairs needed.

Final price: much more than we were expecting.

“WOW!” I said, looking at Denis. He looked surprised as well, and said, “I guess that’s okay, right?” (he played it much cooler than I did)

“I agree,” I said.

We shook hands on it with the sales guy, who then led us over to the checkout counter. “Give us 15 minutes to do the paperwork and we’ll cut you the check.”

No hassle. No hidden charges. No “are you sure you don’t want to look at our cars to see if there’s something you like?”

We walked in at 11 a.m. and at 11:45 a.m. we walked out with the check in our hand, paperwork processed with a request to turn in our license plate to the DMV and remove the vehicle from our insurance. And we were done.

It’s official: we love CarMax.

My car won’t need to be replaced (or given to CootieGirl) for at least a year or two, but Denis and I agreed that the FIRST place we’ll look for a car is CarMax. And if my sweet old sales guy is still there, I’ll request him as my sales guy as well, as a thank you for being so awesome.