1) This morning I came downstairs to hear a bird chirping in our fireplace. I got the bird out, but the need to get a chimney cap is now on the short list of things to do. This is the third animals we’ve had (bird, squirrel, bird) and it’s getting old. Know anyone willing to go up a three-story chimney to screw that thing on?
2) I’m FINALLY eligible to upgrade my crappy cellphone (actually, it’s Denis’ crappy hand-me-down phone). I thought I had to wait until May, but apparently Wirefly (who we originally used to buy our cellphones) is letting me upgrade now. So the hunt is on for a new phone. I hope to have it ordered by tonight. UPDATE: I’ve decided to hold off on getting a new phone. Denis’ contract ends in September and he wants to leave Cingular/AT&T, so rather than pay fines for ending our contract (since I have to sign up for a new 2-year contract to upgrade my phone), I’m going to keep my current crappy phone and we’ll both leave Cingular/AT&T when Denis’ contract ends. At that time I’ll get a super-snazzy new phone with all the bells and whistles.
3) We played CandyLand last night – two games, CootieGirl won both games. CootieBoy was VERY upset he didn’t win. I am told that CG was just as upset the night before that when CB won both games, so we’re obviously in need of working on good sportsmanship.
4) Today at 12:45 p.m. I leave to go to my weight loss medical study appointment. I’m VERY excited and my stomach has been flip-flopping all morning in anticipation.
5) Quite by accident, I’m wearing a pink sweater. Blerg. I usually try NOT to wear “holiday colors” on the day if I can possibly help it. But the office has been cold the past couple of days, thus the need to wear a sweater, and this was the only one within arm’s length when I got dressed this morning.
6) This morning while moving a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer I somehow bent back my thumbnail. That nail was very long and it HURT REALLY BAD. I promptly went upstairs and trimmed back all my nails to make sure that wouldn’t happen again. Note to self: bring in gift card you got from Mr. BIL and Blondie Boss for a free mani and get it done TOMORROW.
7) Today I received a cute little card and $25 from my firm for V’day. WOO HOOO!!!
So, Miss “I Don’t Do Valentines for Anyone Other Than My Sweetie,” aren’t you glad that your company doesn’t follow your philosophy?
Just because *I* only give valentines to my sweetie, doesn’t mean I require OTHERS to do the same.
I believe LOVE is a two-way street.